Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Rant

Life has been so hectic these past couple of weeks. I've had so many deadlines and so many exams that I've been soooo overwhelmed. =( In fact, I have a pretty hectic weekend ahead of me. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do anything because I can't seem to get anything done at home. Not to mention, I can't even get myself to leave the house on the weekends to go to the library.

When the weekends come, I just want to spend time with my family but usually that involves cleaning and other various chores. I feel like that is all we do on Saturdays. We never go out to any fun place, such as the city, to just hang out as a family. I'd really like to squeeze in one family outing before Moharrum comes and the cold hits. But I do have to say, after a week filled with classes, its nice to be able to sleep in on the weekends. And by sleep in I mean 9 or 10 am. Yeah its not really "sleeping in," but those 2 extra hours that I get on the weekend are so precious to me.

Lately, I've been feeling really guilty about my nutritional intake (random, I know...). Simply put, I've been eating really bad foods. I really need to get back to my fruits and vegetables, but with being so busy, I haven't had time to really plan out my eating schedule. It makes me really mad because I was doing so well at the beginning and I could feel myself losing weight. I didn't realize that one slip would lead to my completely quitting Weight Watchers. =( Oh well...there is no one to blame except myself. My plan is to get back on track once school is over. I think the winter and the spring semester should be a bit more relaxing since I won't be pressured with a million different classes.

So I did the most random thing the other day: I went back and read my old xanga posts. Xanga was so awesome back in the day. I used to love reading people's blogs because they were real. Not that people nowadays are fake but I just feel like people don't have as much time to blog about their daily lives. I used to write about my problems and people would get back to me with advice. I mean, now that I think about it, my problems as a 15 year old were so ridiculous, but to know that people cared made me feel so good.

I just think that nowadays people have lost their etiquette when it comes to caring about people. Everyone just wants to do their own thing. No one takes out the time to simply ask their friends how life is going. I myself am guilty of this but I try to make an effort to keep in touch with my good friends. What really upsets me is that those friends don't always return that gesture of kindness. I'm sorry to say this, but it is so pathetic. Even a simply text to ask how things are going would suffice as I understand we all have busy schedules but I guess not everyone sees it this way. Like I said, the word "etiquette" has simply lost its meaning or perhaps the meaning has changed...I don't know.

Anyway, that is all for now. I have class at 4:30 and I'm dreading the walk in the cold from the library to the building where my class is. I like the cold because I like wearing coats and scarves and gloves and drinking coffee and hot chocolate, but I forgot my scarf (scarf as in neck scarf, not hijab :-P) today so the wind is just hitting my neck. This scares me because the last time my chest was exposed to the cold, I caught a really bad cold with a cough, not to mention how I'm *still* recovering from my cold and my cough...

Happy Early Friday!
