Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rainy Thursday

Its Thursday and I am feeling so BLAH because the weather is just so BLAH. I seriously think I have some form of seasonal depression because when the sun is not out, I feel so lethargic! Not to mention, how much I hate getting wet. I know that when it rains the doors of heaven open so its the best time to make dua, but somehow, its not convincing enough to become friends with the rain. But, subhanallah for rain because if there was no rain, there would be no life. I just wish it could rain with the sun out :-P

I have finally gotten back on my points system. One of my favorite things to eat is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I've been on a lookout for a peanut butter than doesn't have 5 pts+ in 1 tablespoon. When I looked high and low and could not find one of the sort, I finally gave up. However, yesterday when I went to Trader Joe's, I found something called "Better'n Peanut Butter." At first I was a bit skeptical about it and thought it was one of those "I can't believe its not butter" type tricks. But to my surprise, I LOVED IT!!! It has become one of my guilty pleasures with only 2 points+ for 2 tablespoons. Its so rich and creamy that I think I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

I also bought mango butter. When I tried it plain, I was a little disappointed because it didn't taste too good. But I put it on top of the peanut butter and it was scrumptious! My plan for this morning's breakfast was to have two slices of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and mango butter topped with bananas, but I woke up too late to even eat breakfast. I had to resort to my usual grab-n-go breakfast: boiled eggs. Eggs and I have a strange relationship. I've gone through phases where I love eggs and then stages where I can't even stand to look at them. But ever since I got on Weight Watchers, I have found eggs to be the best breakfast food because I can have 2 eggs for 4 pts+ and  stay full till about lunch time. The only complaint I have today is that because I woke up late, I had eggs for breakfast and now I'm going to have an egg salad sandwich for lunch... Too many eggs in one day. I might have to take a break before I get sick of eating eggs ...

Next week is going to be a beyond-crazy week. I have an exam on Monday, 2 exams on Tuesday, an exam on Thursday, and a paper due on Friday. I'm not sure how I'm going to study for all of these exams because I've never had so many in a week my whole time here at UMBC. I'm easily distracted by a simple fly on the wall so my plan is to find a corner in the library tomorrow and Saturday and just study all day. Its the only way because I can't get anything done at home. But since I will be here pretty much all day tomorrow and Saturday, I need to pack food! Food is always my concern because campus food sucks and the healthy foods are sooooo expensive. Because I am unemployed, I'd rather spend my money on doing fun things with my friends rather than spending it on nasty campus food, thus I always have to pack food and make sure I have plenty in case I get extra hungry during my study session.

I just have to say that I really do like the Weight Watchers Recipes but some of them are too hard to make and as a beginner cooker, I don't trust myself enough to make a complicated dish. My favorite website has become She has some really easy recipes that also look delicious and fit into my daily points+ program! I saw this on her website and I'm thinking of making it for tomorrow's lunch:
I doubt mine is going to look as scrumptious as that, but I will certainly take a picture of the finished product. I found the the egg salad recipe, that is for today's lunch, on her website as well and its pretty good! Gina has made me realized how much I don't care about egg yolks :-P 

Arright, enough food talk. I think its time to go get some studying done and perhaps some lunch. 

Happy early Friday everyone! =)


1 comment:

  1. You're really inspiring me with your determination. mA!

    Btw, don't avoid egg yolks. They do have a lot of cholesterol, but intake of cholesterol has nothing to do with the cholesterol that builds up in our arteries. The egg yolk contains most of the nutrients in an egg.
